The referee taps his head to indicate that he has made a decision on the field of...
Betting is a billion-dollar industry worldwide, but the gamble can often be uncertain. When you make an...
Jiro is a highly skilled sushi chef. He has been ranked #1 in the world by Sushi...
Slang is a language of juxtaposition. It’s where two words or phrases that don’t seem to have...
Ninjutsu is the Japanese word for ninja. It refers to a philosophy and way of life based...
In Holden Caulfield’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, we are introduced to a mysterious young man...
Match com is the largest social sports platform in the world. In other words, it’s a place...
Kukai was a Hawaiian monk who brought Buddhism to Japan in the 8th century. He is remembered...
Racket is a term used to indicate the equipment, or pieces of equipment, in sports that are...
When people say they don’t give a rip, it usually means that they feel indifferent about the...