In the English language, there are many idioms that use a word or phrase to mean something...
The Official Time Zone of the United States is normally Eastern Standard Time (EST) and that’s what...
The expression “to cover your nut” is used to describe a situation where someone or something has...
The referee taps his head to indicate that he has made a decision on the field of...
Betting is a billion-dollar industry worldwide, but the gamble can often be uncertain. When you make an...
Jiro is a highly skilled sushi chef. He has been ranked #1 in the world by Sushi...
Slang is a language of juxtaposition. It’s where two words or phrases that don’t seem to have...
Ninjutsu is the Japanese word for ninja. It refers to a philosophy and way of life based...
In Holden Caulfield’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, we are introduced to a mysterious young man...
Match com is the largest social sports platform in the world. In other words, it’s a place...